Our Approach


Listen to Understand

We start where you are, and that requires listening carefully. What is happening right now? What have you tried so far? What has worked? What hasn’t? If you woke up tomorrow and everything had magically changed for the very best…what would be different?

You and your team know more about what you need than we do…at least at the beginning. And being clear about where you are starting is essential for any successful journey. After all, if you don’t know where you are, how will you know what path is the best to take?

We start with a goal of understanding where YOU are and what YOU need…we don’t begin with what we have to offer.

Confirm and Collaborate

Once we have a view into your world and what you hope to change, we make sure that we are aligned. It is not enough to think we understand. We talk it through and clarify what we are hearing. We confirm that we are on the same page…and this is something we will do again and again, so that you have a partner who “gets it”.

At this point we begin to identify options together. And that process is collaborative and interactive. We want to think about options that use your expertise as well as ours at this point to craft a possible path forward.

That may include working with us, it may include using your own resources in a new way, and it may be referring you to a team that will be a better option for you. Our goal is to be sure you have a map to get you where you want to go.

Create and Implement

Unlike many consultancies, we measure our success by yours, not by how long we can bill for our time.

If we decide that working together makes sense, with a clear picture of where you are starting and where you want to go, we create a journey map that will give you a solid opportunity for success.

Whether you are looking for executive coaching options for one executive or for a leadership development program for your entire organization, we outline an approach that works given your goals, and your resources.

Our goal is to make you successful and independent. If we do our job well, you shine like the rockstar you are…and we celebrate your success and move on to help other clients.